Sunday, October 6, 2013

Let's talk engagement vs reach....

Post reach - how many people saw your post.
Post engagement - how many people are getting involved via likes, shares, etc. 

It may not seem like there is a big difference between these two categories but truly they are MILES apart.  Are you one of the people who just scrolls down their FB newsfeed, never focusing on anything?  Then fine, you saw my was able to reach you.  What a FB page NEEDS is engagement - people to share and like posts.  This is how you bring in more followers.  More followers = more reach = more engagement = more business = MORE $$.  Let's be honest....90% of people start a business for the Benjamins....

Best way to track these two things?  FB insights.  Wow.  What an amazing set of tools!!  Insights gives you just about every break down on who is seeing your posts that you could possibly want.  It breaks down all your data into these neat little boxes so you can figure out where to cut your losses and where to put your money.  You can see what your best post "type" is....who saw them.  What posts were commented on, which ones were shared, etc.  Insights allows you to really cater to your fans.  Instead of posting things they aren't interested in, you can track the things they care about.  It's like the internet radio station Pandora.  Based on a listener's criteria, Pandora plays what the listener wants to hear.  It keeps people coming back time and again.  Insights works the same way.  If you want to keep your fans, you need to post what they're interested in and now you can, thanks to Insights.

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