Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Let's get visual!

You know you did it too....

Let's get Physical!!

Oh, the 80's....

Those are some crazy visuals...

Some are Good ....

Some are Bad...


One thing the above pictures prove is that it is so important to pay attention to what visuals your company is sharing.

For TaskRiot, I think all 4 visual platforms (Tumblr, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram) could work well.  However, we've chosen to focus first on Pinterest and then to move on to Tumblr and YouTube.  Instagram will be the last account we set up.

The first visual platform we're focusing on is Pinterest.  With the crazy amount of pinners out there, Pinterest is a time bomb for us.  If there is a LEGAL task out there, TaskRiot is ready to take it on.  Our customers love that we're knowledgeable in all aspects of life and can write an Excel spreadsheet as quickly and efficiently as we can decorate for a holiday gala.  That's where Pinterest comes in.  Additionally, linking back to our website with the things that we've done will encourage traffic to our blog and hopefully give us a bump in business.

The second visual platform we're focusing on is Tumblr.  We've been doing a lot of blogging and Tumblr is a way to incorporate our blogs and photos in a way that Instagram can't give us.  We've been working on setting up a deal with the website Deal Chicken but they say we need more web presence.  Tumblr is a great way to get that.  Yes, you can go from kittens to porn in 30 seconds BUT there is a lot of useful and beautiful information out there.  We want to be a part of that.

YouTube works for us in the same way that it works for millions of other people.  YouTube will help make TaskRiot personal.  Considering the myriad of things we do, giving TaskRiot a personal element is a must.  Setting up a how-to on laying laminate is not only useful but also lets people know that we are actually out there doing the work.  It also gets people invested in us as people and not just as a company.

Instagram is the last account for us because, while it is a huge platform, it doesn't seem like something that would drive people to chose us.  Perhaps later down the road, when we have more miles behind us, capturing a moment will be important.  We certainly won't be blowing it off now, but it is not our primary focus at this time.

I leave you with this...

Or this...

Totally your choice....

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