Friday, September 20, 2013

Frequent Flier Miles

As a mom, I'm constantly searching the web.  I'm looking for ideas for things to do with my monsters.  New recipes to tempt tiny tummies.  Books to read.  Sometimes, I'm even searching for information on whether or not something my child did was normal (because seriously?  Is it supposed to look like that?!).  

One website I use almost every day is BabyCenter (  BabyCenter is one of the most amazing resources I found as a new mom.  I created an account, updated a profile, joined some groups and voila!  I was immediately plugged into dozens of moms of all shapes and sizes who were all experiencing things similar to myself.  Additionally, I found my email being flooded with amazing information.  Any nutrition information I need is right there in my email.  Milestones?  BOOM, there ya go.  Even better?  I made some very awesome friends with moms who have children born at the same time as my son (August 2010).  BabyCenter is effective because it's so simple to use.  I will always come back to a website that is easy on the eyes and to navigate.  BabyCenter is both of these things.  The design is clean.  It literally is C.R.A.P.H.T.E.D.  It's one of those websites that makes surfing the web fun.  One big thing that can change would be the background images.  Today, the background is a wavy pattern of circles and plus signs and even plus signs within circles.  When scrolling down, this image can be dizzying.  I suppose that's a personal choice but there are times when I wonder why they chose that particular image.  And honestly?  The home page is too long.  When scrolling down, sometimes it seems like it never ends.  Let's shorten that up, shall we?

Obviously I use Facebook.  Pinterest.  Ya know, the standards for a busy mom constantly on the go.  But one website that I absolutely love?  Amazon.  Good ole  Did you know that they have a MOMS page??  And you can subscribe to have diapers delivered to your home?  I signed up for the free subscription to have Huggies overnight diapers delivered to my home.  Funny enough, I could never find them at the same WalMart twice.  Having them delivered at the same time every month, for several cents cheaper?  Total win.  Amazon also has a Students account which ROCKS because now you can rent textbooks.  Free 2 day shipping.  LOVE IT.  I do most of my reading on the Kindle app on my Droid so even that is easy.  Amazon Prime?  MADE for work from home folks.  I don't always have time to run out and get materials like paper and pens.  Amazon delivers with free 2 day shipping on a Prime account.  Plus you can stream video and buy music with one click for an insta-party worthy of Instagram.  One of the best things about Amazon is that the website is plain.  The background is white.  I think they could vary that.  Something holiday-esque once in awhile.  It could still be a solid color but how about an orange for Halloween?  Red or Green for Christmas?  Just something a little more fun to look at.  And how about you shorten that home page, too?  Way too many rows of recommendations.  Who actually reads all the way to the bottom?

Not that I'm complaining.  I love these websites.  I spend a lot of miles on these websites.  But ya know, if you're taking suggestions....

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