Saturday, November 30, 2013

Facebook Analytics

Can I just state, briefly of course, how much I LOVE Facebook Analytics?  So helpful and just right there!  I love it almost as much as I love my new Chromebook!  Ahh!

So, let's talk analytics.

On the first page of FB Insights, we see an overview:
Page Likes, Post Reach, Engagement
The good news?  We're up here at TaskRiot!

Tab Two is Likes
One thing I really don't like about FB Insights is the color scheme.  Having trouble viewing them, unfortunately.

We're up!  More likes!

Considering the fact that TaskRiot has been VERY quiet lately, we're actually doing good.  We've had new likes coming in, organic likes coming in, etc.  The next step for us is going to be creating a paid ad to see if we can drum up some traffic.

Tab Three is Reach
Up Up Up!!

Here, again, we're up across the board.  And it's always good news when you haven't been hidden in posts!  I'll take that!

Tab Four is Visits
Here is one of my favorite tabs.  Scrolling down, I've obviously gotten a lot of visits from, a lot from blackboard and some from google.  Which is super exciting.  We would really like to see more interest in our other tabs, like info, and not just our timeline.  Work in progress, eh?

Tab Five is Posts
This tab is far busier than the other tabs, a lot of information.  This is where things get tricky - learning WHEN to post and WHAT to post.  My numbers for engagement and reach are down on this tab, I think mainly because we haven't been posting much.

Tab Six is People
Lots of good information here about who our fans are, where they are, etc.  I mean, wow.  Currently the majority of our people are English speaking and spread throughout the US.  But we also have people coming in from Germany, Algeria, Egypt, Canada and the UK speaking Spanish, French and Arabic.  How cool is that??  We do need to get engagement up; I'm unable to look at the demographics of engagement because less than 30 people have engaged.

All in all, it's a super cool and useful tool!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Cynthia. This is very interesting. I don't have 30 likes yet for Fitness Fun-atic, so it is great to be able to live vicariously through your experience and explanation right now. It is very cool that you have people from all over the world visiting your page!
