Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holy Social Media, Batman!

Is the semester really wrapping up?  It's been too fast!  Argh!

We've learned a lot this semester - Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube....I mean, wow.

For TaskRiot, we're going to continue slowly.  Facebook as often as possible.  Facebook is definitely our largest focus.  It has a huge reach and that's important.  TaskRiot can do just about anything from just about anywhere so reaching the most amount of people possible is the best way for us to grow our business.

Facebook is in my top three platforms to work with.  It ties with Tumblr and Pinterest.  These three platforms give us a ton of options.  I hope to eventually use them daily for TaskRiot.

On a less frequent basis, I'll use Twitter and YouTube; Twitter far more frequently than YouTube.  I like both platforms and the freedom they offer but managing that many social media outlets is exhausting!  Especially for no more than I am scheduled to work right now.

Love the class - so glad I could get in!!


  1. What a great Blog this has been. You have also had some great posts on Facebook and at the right time. I also have decided to put most of our focus on Facebook and moving into others in the new year. I think you would also be great for Twitter, mainly because it is so in the moment and I can see you getting a lot of your customers with spur of the moment requests. Just something to think about. Good luck with everything and I look forward to your posts!

  2. You have really great ideas and I enjoyed what I read about the social media that works for you. However, I have to admit that the font you are using is so hard to read that I pass by your blog most of the time.

  3. I think Facebook is a good starting point to learn about social marketing strategy also - That is what I am planning on doing with the SKF projects - Learning this stuff takes some time - especially with the analytics and getting your content on target to reach your potential consumers.

    Like Jessica - I think Twitter would be a good social tool for your type of business - it can work in tandem with Facebook and if you used it as a communications tool between you and your present customers - others would see it usefulness and inquire about your services.

    Your customers could tweet spur of the moment requests to you and their friends could see how it might help their needs/or business too.
