Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's the end of the world as we know it...

.....and I feel prepared!!

I was super stoked to get into this class.  I knew it was what I needed.  I had just recently been asked to be the Social Media Account Manager for a start-up called TaskRiot.  Sure, I said.  I know my way around social media.  I spend a lot of time on Facebook.  I can manage Twitter.  I LOVE Pinterest.  Then I was scrolling through classes and saw one offered called Social Media for Business.  REALLY?!  PERFECT.  I waited with baited breath to get in.  And then I did!!

This has been one of my favorite classes.  It's been one that I have learned so much from.  Probably more than most of my other classes.  I had a hard time keeping up this semester thanks to life with 2 small children but I will be continually coming back to the lessons.  Every lecture has been printed out and saved in a folder for me to reference as I attempt to really become a social media account manager.

TaskRiot has struggled this semester, as any start-up does in its inaugural year.  I've had to back off on it due to finances so I haven't been able to really explore it the way that I want to.  Thanks to this class however, I have seen an increase in Facebook activity and have learned how to use Facebook to its full potential for a business.  Prior to this class, I had no idea about insights or how to use them.  I had no idea how to schedule posts or figure out when the best time to post and what to post.  

This class gave me websites to manage all my social media accounts from one place.  It has given me tools to reach out and bring in more Twitter followers.  It's helped me understand the algorithms used to really utilize SEO.  And there's still so much more....the books!!

The text books for this class were the most useful textbooks I've ever had for a class.  I was floored at the cost when I ordered my books this year.  These books will continue to be useful, however.  I still reference them and I can see myself doing so more and more.

Over the course of the semester, I've become much more efficient at the use of my time with social media.  I'm no longer overwhelmed when I log into my accounts.  I know where to start and how to make my time worth the effort.  I always knew the value of social media - I worked in entertainment market research for years.  I know how quickly the tide can be turned one way or the other.  This class made me feel capable of reaching out and taking control of that tide.

I have to thank the professors for their time.  It's invaluable.  I had a few issues in the beginning of the semester getting Facebook to work for me and met resistance from my boss but both professors were right there, willing to help and ready with suggestions.  This is the only class where I have felt like the professors actually gave a damn about their students.  Most online classes feel like the professors simply check in once each week to post new assignments and then leave it to the students to figure things out on their own.  Not this class.

I have to thank the students for their time.  It seems like this is one of the most helpful groups I've ever worked with.  Seeing more than one person reach out to answer a question?  Amazing.  Maybe it's because this is a social media class which forces us to be social, I don't know.  

So from the bottom of my heart - thank you.

Happy holidays.  :) 

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Unaware that I have been receiving comments on my grades, I missed that there was a request for an explanation of TaskRiot.

Taken straight from the website -
Ask anyone and they’d be able to tell you at least one task, chore, or to-do list item they’d love to have someone else tackle for them.
TaskRiot understands that in today’s world, we have more commitments than time available. Could you imagine what your life would be like if it wasn’t bogged down with all the things that you have to get done?
That’s where we come in. Simply put, TaskRiot does the things you don’t want or have the time to do. We take your “to-do” list, turn it on its head, and free your day up to do the things that are important to you.
Based in Denver, CO, TaskRiot is more than just another concierge service. We are focused on providing simple and affordable solutions to life’s most time-sucking problems. Looking for home-based services? We have you covered. Business services? No problem. Event planning?We do that as well.

So there ya name it, we do it.  We have backgrounds all over the place but the place where I came in was courtesy of the market research company where I worked for several years.  When I got the call for a Social Media Account Manager, I jumped at the chance. 
So what is it that I do?  I manage all the social media accounts - my goal is to drum up business for TaskRiot.  The more people I send, the higher the chance of me gaining a percentage of a kickback.  Hey, $20 is $20, am I right?
That's me in a nutshell....bummer I didn't catch the comments earlier.  :(

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holy Social Media, Batman!

Is the semester really wrapping up?  It's been too fast!  Argh!

We've learned a lot this semester - Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube....I mean, wow.

For TaskRiot, we're going to continue slowly.  Facebook as often as possible.  Facebook is definitely our largest focus.  It has a huge reach and that's important.  TaskRiot can do just about anything from just about anywhere so reaching the most amount of people possible is the best way for us to grow our business.

Facebook is in my top three platforms to work with.  It ties with Tumblr and Pinterest.  These three platforms give us a ton of options.  I hope to eventually use them daily for TaskRiot.

On a less frequent basis, I'll use Twitter and YouTube; Twitter far more frequently than YouTube.  I like both platforms and the freedom they offer but managing that many social media outlets is exhausting!  Especially for no more than I am scheduled to work right now.

Love the class - so glad I could get in!!